Every year different counties within the State of California issues construction permits to the land owner to start huge housing projects or land developments. The new construction projects as much as they provide housing for people they also create environmental issues in the states. These environment issues occors when the lands are disturbed and habitats are moved & effected due to the new developments. The effect of the land development start to show itself with start of the first rain at the sites. The rain takes its toll continously introducing new issues that need to be addressed immedatly.

StormWater Pollution Prevention Plan

The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requirements are different in every states in the United States. These requirements, therefore; are clearly stated in the StormWater permits. In California, the permit requirements, which is called SWPPP, could be found in the Storm Water Resource Locator (SWRL).

In reality, then, SWPPP is the base requirement for the stormwater permits that must basically cover the following 3 items:

  1. Identifies all potential sources of pollution
  2. Describes practices to be used to reduce pollutants
  3. Helps assure compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit

Let's walk through a need for a SWPPP. On a new construction sites where soil has been disturbed, and where construction materials have been stockpiled environmental problems are ready to occure after some heavy rain. The rain wash through the new graded & disturbed land picking up possible new pollutants and sediments. This will, then, cause new problems downstream that could be very costly and hard to clean up .

Every construction site is different, and a good SWPPP is necessarily specific to the site it covers. But regulations have to apply to everyone uniformly. Part of the complexity involved in SWPPP regulations stems from the difficulty involved in using a general set of rules to cover a wide variety of specific cases.

A well thought out SWPPP for new constructions & re-development sites, must be designed so that it includes the following information in order to protect the environment and the clients:

  1. Identify the possible sources of pollutants, including sediment, on the site
  2. Describe how stormwater could transport these materials
  3. Describe the control measures taken to keep these materials out of stormwater
  4. Set up a procedure for monitoring the effectiveness of the control measures
  5. Specify what steps are to be taken in case problems are discovered
  6. Understanding & identifying the hydrology pre,during, & post development


Today's weather by NOAA:

RDC is working hard to design & to create Storm Water Prevention Plans (SWPPP) for the new constructions & re-development projects in the Northen California & Nevada

Contact us: info@rdcswppp.com
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RDC: 1995-2006

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